Rebecca Gologorsky, MD
Clinician Educator, Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Accepting New Patients
Rebecca Gologorsky, MD is a surgeon who specializes in colorectal surgery.
Dr. Gologorsky received her medical degree from the University of California Irvine School of Medicine. She completed her surgical residency at the University of California, San Francisco alongside a Post-Doctoral Fellowship in the Department of Bioengineering, also at the University of California, San Francisco. She went on to further training with a Colon and Rectal Surgery Fellowship at the Oregon Health and Science University in Portland, OR. Dr. Gologorsky enjoys all aspects of the field of colorectal surgery. Her special interests include colorectal cancer, rectal prolapse, and colorectal considerations of gender surgery.
Board Certification:
American Board of Surgery
Medical School: University of California, Irvine School of Medicine - Irvine, CA
Undergraduate: BA in Biology, Brandeis University - Boston, MA
University of California, San Francisco-East Bay - San Francisco, CA
Colon and Rectal Surgery Fellowship - Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, OR
Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Bioengineering - University of California, San Francisco
Memberships in Societies:
American College of Surgeons (FACS)
American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons
Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons
Hospital Affiliations:
The Miriam Hospital
In the News
- PBN 5 Questions: Dr. Rebecca Gologorsky Discusses New Role at Brown Surgical Associates (2/19/2024)
- Colorectal Surgeon Rebecca Gologorsky, MD Joins Brown Surgical Associates (1/30/2024)
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Gologorsky R, Barakos J, Sahebkar F. Rhomb- and Bickerstaff encephalitis: two clinical phenotypes? Ped Neurol. 2013; 48: 244-8.
- Gologorsky R, Wong V, Holmes N, Haider A, Imagawa D, Torno L. Liver lesions in children post-oncologic therapy: Review of case reports and institutional observation. Int J Cancer Ther Oncol. 2015; 3:03027.
- Gologorsky R, Hornik B, Velotta J. Surgical management of medically refractory Tietze Syndrome. Ann Thoracic Sur. 2017; 104(6): 443-5.
- Gologorsky R, Cureton E, Shim V. Utility of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) retesting of histologic grade 3 invasive breast carcinomas. Perm J 2019; 23:18088.
- Dua A, Rothenberg K, Lee J, Gologorsky R, Desai S. Six-month freedom from amputation rates and quality of life following tibial and pedal endovascular revascularization for critical limb ischemia. Vasc Endovasc Surg 2019; 53(3):212-5.
- Gologorsky R, Ashiku S, Patel A, Velotta J. Prophylactic use of Progel is not associated with decreased incidence of post-operative air leak after non-anatomic lung surgery.
Perm J 2019; 23:18-059.
- Gologorsky R, Ely S, Rothenberg K, Wolman D, Stehr W. Popcorn bezoar mimicking superior mesenteric artery syndrome. ACS Case Reviews 2019 [in press].
- Gologorsky R, Ely S, Rothenberg K, Glaser C, Velotta J. Pediatric pulmonary mucormycosis in a diabetic patient treated with extended pleurectomy and Clagett procedure. J Pediatr Surg Case Rep 2019; 45:101210.
- Gologorsky R, Roy S. Ultrafiltration for management of fluid overload in patients with heart failure. Artif Organs 2020; 44(2):129-139.
- Ely S, Gologorsky R, Hornik B, Velotta J. Sternal reconstruction with non-rigid biologic mesh overlay. Ann Thorac Surg 2019; S0003-4975(19)31463-8.
- Dua A, Rothenberg K, Gologorsky R, Lee JT. Long term quality of life comparison between supra and infraclavicular rib resection in patients with vascular thoracic outlet syndrome. AVS 2020; 62:128-132.
- Dua A, Gologorsky R, Savage D, Rens N, Gandhi N, Brooke B, Corriere M, Jackson E, Aalami O. National assessment of availability, awareness, and utilization of supervised exercise therapy for peripheral artery disease patients with intermittent claudication. JVS 2019; (19)32184-6.
- Zobel M, Gologorsky R, Lee H, Vu L. Congenital Lung Lesions. Seminars in Pediatric Surgery 2019; 28(4):150821.
- Rothenberg K, Gologorsky RC, Kim S. Dermal securement of port catheters in obese patients. J Pediatr Surg 2019; 55(3):570-572.
- Ely S, Beattie G, Rothenberg K, Gologorsky RC, Huyser M, Chang CK. Modern elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy carries extremely low postoperative infection risk. JSR 2020; 246:506-511.
- Ho V, Gologorsky R, Chandra V, Dua A. Open, percutaneous, and hybrid deep venous arterialization technique for no-option foot salvage. JVS 2019; S0741-5214(19)32636-9.
- Gologorsky RC, Arora S, Dua A. Negative pressure wound therapy to reduce wound complications after abdominoperineal resection. Perm J 2020; 24:19.173.
- Ewbank C, Stewart B, Burns B, Deckelbaum D, Gologorsky R, Groen R, Gupta S, Harris M, Godfrey R, Leppaniemi A, Newton C, Traynor M, Wong E, Kushner A. The development of a surgical care and climate change matrix: a tool to assist with prioritization and implementation strategies. Annals of Surgery 2021; 273(2): e50-51.
- Dua A, Rothenberg K, Gologorsky R, Deslarzes-Dubuis C, Lavingia K, Lee J. Longterm functional outcomes follow-up after 188 rib resections in patients with TOS. Annals of Vascular Surgery 2020; 68:28-33.
- Xiao J, Caan B, Cespedes Feliciano E… Gologorsky R et al. Association of low muscle mass and low muscle radiodensity with morbidity for colon cancer surgery. JAMA Surgery 2020; 155(10): 942-949
- Ewbank C, Stewart B, Burns B, Deckelbaum D, Gologorsky R, Groen R, Gupta S, Harris M, Godfrey R, Leppaniemi A, Newton C, Traynor M, Wong E, Kushner A.
Introduction of the Surgical Providers Assessment and Response to Climate Change (SPARC2) Tool: One Small Step Toward Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Surgical Care. Annals of Surgery 2021; 1;273(4):e135-e137.
- Chang R, Rothenberg K, Harris J, Gologorsky R, Hsu J, Rehring T, Homayon H, Nelken N, Paxton E, Prentice H. Mid-term outcomes for 605 patients receiving Endologix AFX or AFX2 Endovascular AAA Systems in an integrated healthcare system. JVS 2021; 73(3): 856-866.
- Rothenberg KA, Tucker LY, Gologorsky RC, Avins A, Kuang HC, Faruqi R, Flint A, Nguyen-Huynh MN, Chang R. Long-term stroke risk with carotid endarterectomy in patients with severe carotid stenosis. JVS 2021; 73(3): 983-991.
- Photiadis S, Gologorsky RC, Sarode D. The current status of bio-artificial pancreas devices. ASAIO 2021; 67(4): 370-381.
- Rothenberg KA, Gologorsky RC, Hojilla C, Tang A, Cohan C, Beattie G, Yokoo K. Gender-affirming Mastectomy in Transmasculine Patients: does obesity increase complications or revisions? Annals of Plastic Surgery 2021; 87(1): 24-30.
- Gologorsky R, Ewbank C, Idowu O, Kim S. Use of cryoanalgesia as a postoperative pain management for open pectus carinatum repair. PSI 2021; 37(1): 179-181.
- Shaheen R, Gologorsky RC, Roy S et al. Superporous agarose scaffolds for encapsulation of adult human islets and human stem-cell-derived beta cells for intravascular bioartificial pancreas applications. J Biomed Mat Res. (2021) [in press].
- Lancaster E, Gologorsky RC, Hull M, Okuhn S, Solomon M, Avins A, Adams J, Chang R. Natural history of large abdominal aortic aneurysms in patients without timely repair: implications for rupture and mortality. J Vasc Surg 2022; 75(1): 109-117.
- Tang A, Hojilla C, Jackson J, Rothenberg K, Gologorsky RC, Stram D, Mooney C, Hernandez S, Yokoo K. Gender-affirming mastectomy trends and outcomes in adolescents. Annals of Plastic Surgery 2022; 88(4): S325-331.
- Banks K, Ely S, Dominguez D, Gologorsky RC, Wei J, Maxim C, Ashiku S, Patel A, Velotta J. Intercostal nerve blockade with liposomal bupivacaine reduces length of stay after VATS lobectomy. Annals of Thoracic Dis 2022; 14(1): 18-25.
- Gologorsky RC, Lancaster E, Tucker LY, Nguyen-Huynh M, Rothenberg K, Avins A, Kuang H, Chang RW. The natural history of asymptomatic moderate carotid artery stenosis in a large community-based cohort. Stroke 2022; 53(9):2838-2846.
- Tse JR, Gologorsky RC, Jeffrey RB, Bingham D, Shen L, Kamaya A. Evaluation of early sonographic predictors of gangrenous cholecystitis: mucosal discontinuity and echogenic pericholecystic fat. Abdominal Radiology 2021; 47(3): 1061-1070.
- Hsu D, Ely S, Gologorsky R, Rothenberg K, Banks K, Dominguez D, Chang CK, Velotta J. Comparable esophagectomy outcomes by surgeon specialty: a NSQIP analysis. T Am Surg 2022 [31348211065117].
- Tavares K, Gologorsky R. Evaluation and management of anal intraepithelial neoplasms. Dis Col Rectum 2023; 66(2): 185-188.
Scientific Abstracts and Oral Presentations
- Gologorsky R, Kuch O, Sahebkar F. Inaccuracies and misconceptions introduced by online diagnostics. (2010) AAN Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada.
- Gologorsky R, Sahebkar F. Motor Stereotypies: normal childhood behavior or a disorder? (2010) AAN Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada.
- Wong V, Gologorsky R, Holmes N, Torno L. Liver lesions in childhood cancer survivors: review of case reports and institutional observations (2013) Conference on Long-Term Complications of Treatment of Children and Adolescents for Cancer, Memphis, Tennessee.
- Gologorsky R, Abbas H, Imagawa D. Sorafenib for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma: examining survival benefit of varying Sorafenib doses. (2014) Institute for Clinical and Translational Science, Irvine, California.
- Wong V, Gologorsky R, Haider A, Holmes N, Imagawa D, Torno L. Hepatic focal nodular hyperplasia in children post-oncologic therapy: review of case reports and institutional observations. (2014) ASCO, Chicago, IL.
- Gologorsky, R. Axelsson, K., Cureton, B., Hosfield, E., Thomas, E., Shim, V. Utility of HER2 retesting of histologic grade 3 invasive breast carcinomas. (2018) SSO Annual Symposium, Chicago, IL; (2018) Northern California Chapter ACS, Berkeley, CA.
- Gologorsky, R., Cureton, B., Shim, V. Treatment patterns of low-risk post-menopausal breast cancer patients. (2018) ASBS Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.
- Gologorsky, R., Alabaster, A., Ashiku, S., Patel, A., Velotta, J. Use of Progel to reduce incidence of air leak after non-anatomic lung resection. (2018) Northern California Chapter ACS, Berkeley, CA.
- Gologorsky, R., Alabaster, A., Ashiku, S., Patel, A., Velotta, J. Prophylactic use of Progel sealant does not decrease incidence of post-operative air leak when used for non-anatomic lung resection. (2018) ACS Clinical Congress, Boston, MA.
- Ely S, Gologorsky R, Huyser M, Beattie G, Chang, CK. The benefit of perioperative antibiotic use in outpatient laparoscopic cholecystectomy may not outweigh risks. (2019) Kaiser Northern California Research Symposium, Oakland, CA.
- Ely S, Gologorsky R, Huyser M, Beattie G, Chang CK. NSQIP Database analysis does not support preoperative antibiotic use for outpatient laparoscopic cholecystectomy. (2019) Northern California Chapter, American College of Surgeons, Berkeley, CA
- Tse J, Gologorsky R, Kamaya A. Sonographic and clinical features associated with gangrenous cholecystitis may improve preoperative diagnosis. (2019) American Roentgen Ray Society, Honolulu, HI.
- Bird K, Tse J, Gologorsky R, Jeffrey B, Kamaya A, Common findings of acute cholecystitis that you may not have learned in residency. (2019) Society of Abdominal Radiology Annual Scientific Meeting and Educational Course, Orlando, FL.
- Ely S, Gologorsky R, Huyser M, Beattie G, Chang CK. NSQIP Database analysis does not support preoperative antibiotic use for outpatient laparoscopic cholecystectomy. (2019) SAGES, Baltimore, MD.
- Gologorsky R, Tse J, Wolman D, Kamaya A. Gangrenous cholecystitis: Delays in surgical evaluation and outcomes in the era of minimally invasive surgery. (2019) SAGES, Baltimore, MD.
- Gologorsky R, Tse J, Kamaya A. Scoring system for preoperative diagnosis of gangrenous cholecystitis. (2019) SAGES, Baltimore, MD.
- Aribindi V, Patel V, Weiner S, Kim P, Gologorsky R, Guevarra O, Chu C, Stoller M, Harrison M. A novel laparoscopic approach for introduction of magnetic compression anastomotic (Magnamosis) rings. (2019) SAGES, Baltimore, MD.
- Rothenberg K, Dua A, Gologorsky R, Lee, J. Up to 18-year Functional Outcomes Follow-Up After 188 Rib Resections in Patients with TOS (2019) Society for Vascular Surgery, National Harbor, MD.
- Dua A, Gologorsky R, George E, Trang K, Chandra V. Impact of Socio-Economic Disparities on Non-Healing in Lower Extremity Wounds. (2019) Program for Advanced Limb Preservation, New York, NY.
- Dua A, Deslarzes-Dubuis C, Gologorsky R, George E, Trang K, Chandra V. The Impact of Household Income on Chronic Wound Healing in Patients with PAD. (2019) Eastern Vascular Society, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Ely S, Rothenberg K, Gologorsky R, Dominguez D, Chang C. Laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication outcomes after same- versus next-day discharge. (2019) American College of Surgeons, San Francisco, CA.
- Ewbank C, Kushner A, Gologorsky R, Gupta S. An estimation of surgical care needs in low-resource countries: The prevalence of surgically treatable conditions and preventable deaths. (2019) American College of Surgeons, San Francisco, CA.
- Rothenberg KA, Tucker LY, Gologorsky RC, Avins AL, Kuang HC, Faruqi RM, Flint AC, Nguyen-Huynh MN, Chang RW. Long-term stroke risk with carotid endarterectomy in patients with severe carotid stenosis. (2019) Western Vascular Society, Honolulu, Hi.
- Tang A, Chang S, Jones MS, Gologorsky R, Chakedis J, Shim v. Implementation of Choosing Wisely ® campaign in early breast cancer patients over 70 in a large integrated health care system (2020) American Society of Breast Surgeons, virtual.
- Gologorsky R, Lancaster E, Nguyen-Huyhn, M, Tucker LY, Rothenberg K, Avins A, Kuang H, Chang R. The Natural History of Moderate Carotid Artery Stenosis in A Large Community-Based Cohort and Implications for Carotid Surveillance Among Asymptomatic Individuals. (2020) Western Vascular Society, virtual.
- Lancaster E, Gologorsky R, Rothenberg K, Hull M, Tucker LY, Okuhn S, Chang R. The Natural History of Large Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms in Patients Without Timely Repair: Implications for Aneurysm Rupture and Mortality. (2020) Western Vascular Society, virtual.
- Torres A, Santandreu A… Gologorsky R et al. Glucose clearance of an intravascular bioartificial pancreas in a diabetic porcine model. (2020) Biomedical Engineering Society, virtual.
- Kim S, Idowu O, Gologorsky R, Ewbank C. Use of cryoanalgesia as a postoperative pain management for open pectus carinatum. (2020) Chest Wall Injury Summit, virtual.
- Tang A, Hojilla C, Jackson J, Rothenberg K, Gologorsky RC, Stram D, Mooney C, Hernandez S, Yokoo K. Gender-affirming mastectomy trends and outcomes in adolescents. (2021) California Society of Plastic Surgeons, virtual.