Adena Osband, MD, FACS
Associate Professor of Surgery, Warren Alpert Medical School at Brown University
Director, Living Donor Program
Accepting New Patients
Board Certification: American Board of Surgery
Education: University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Newark, NJ
Residency: General Surgery - University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey Medical School, Newark, NJ (Administrative Chief Resident)
Fellowship: Transplant - Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA (ASTS approved program)
Memberships in Societies:
Fellow - American College of Surgeons (FACS)
American Society of Transplant Surgeons
Association of Women Surgeons
Hospital Affiliations: Rhode Island Hospital
In the News
- BSA’s Dr. Osband on living donors: It’s incredible what people will do for each other (5/22/2021)
- With help from Dr. Osband, RI man’s long hope for new kidney realized (4/22/2020)
Research & Publications
- Osband AJ, Deitch, EA, Lu Q, Zaets S, Dayal S, Lukose B, Xu D. The role of oxidant-mediated pathways in the cytotoxicity of endothelial cells exposed to mesenteric lymph from rats subjected to trauma-hemorrhagic shock. Shock 2003; 20(3):269-273.
- Mohr AM, Lavery RF, Barone A, Bahramipour P, Magnotti LJ, Osband AJ, Sifri Z, Livingston DH. Angiographic embolization for liver injuries: low mortality, high morbidity. Journal of Trauma 2003; 55:1077-1082.
- Osband AJ, Sifri ZC, Wang L, Hauser CJ, Mohr AM, Deitch EA, Livingston DH. Small volume albumin administration protects against hemorrhagic shock-induced bone marrow dysfunction. Journal of Trauma 2004; 56(2):279-283.
- Davidson MT, Deitch EA, Lu Q, Osband A, Feketeova E, Nemeth ZH, Hasko G, Xu DZ. A study of the biologic activity of Trauma-Hemorrhagic Shock mesenteric lymph over time and the relative role of cytokines. Surgery 2004; 136:32-41.
- Osband AJ, Deitch EA, Hauser CJ, Lu Q, Zaets S, Berezina T, Machiedo GM, Rajwani KK, Xu DZ. Albumin protects against gut-induced lung injury in vitro and in vivo. Annals of Surgery 2004; 240:331-339.
- Osband AJ, Laskow DA, Mann RA Berkowicz T, Ianosi-Irimie M, Boruchoff S. Sweet syndrome following kidney transplant. Transplant Proc 2009; 41(5):1954-1956.
- Osband AJ, Laskow DA, Berkowicz T, Mann RA. Quiz page July 2009. Fever and neutropenia following simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation. Graft-versus-host disease. Am J Kidney Dis 2009; 54(1):A35-37.
- Osband AJ, Laskow DA, Mann RA. Treatment of acute graft versus host disease following simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplant: a case report. Transplant Proc 2010; 42(9):3894-3897.
- Osband AJ, Zaki RF. Extraction time of kidneys during organ procurement impacts function. Clin Transpl 2011; 25(2):235-238.
- Osband AJ, Maloney Patel N, Dombrovskiy V, Trooskin SZ. Intern Olympics as a tool to reinforce surgical skills acquisition. J Grad Med Ed 2012; 4(2):266.
- Osband AJ, Laskow DA. Spermatocele following kidney transplant. Am J Transplant 2012; 12(7):1936-7.
- Mann DM, Fyfe B, Osband AJ, Lebowitz J, Laskow DA, Jones J, Mann RA. Sarcoidosis within a renal allograft: a case report and review of the literature. Transplant Proc 2013; 45(2):838-841.
- Pieloch D, Dombrovskiy V, Osband AJ, Lebowitz J, Laskow DA. Morbid obesity is not an independent predictor of graft failure or patient mortality following kidney transplantation. J Ren Nutr 2014; 24(1):50-57.
- Pieloch D, Mann R, Dombrovskiy V, DebRoy M, Osband AJ, Mondal Z, Fernandez S, Laskow DA. The impact of morbid obesity on hospital length of stay in kidney transplant recipients. J Ren Nutr 2014; 24(6): 411-416.
- Osband AJ, Laskow DA. Surgical resident perspective on deceased donor organ procurement. Am J Surg 2015; 209 (6):1090-1094.
- Pieloch D, Dombrovskiy V, Osband AJ, DebRoy M, Mann RA, Fernandez S, Mondal Z, Laskow DA. The kidney transplant morbidity index (KTMI): a simple prognostic tool to help determine outcome risk in kidney transplant candidates. Progress in Transplant 2015; 25(1):70-76.
- Osband AJ, James N, Segev D. Extraction time of kidneys from deceased donors and impact on outcome. Am J Transplant 2016; 16(2):700-703.
- Mann DM, Fernandez S, Mondal Z, Laskow D, Osband A, Debroy M, Lebowitz J, Coromilas J, Vagaonescu T, Moreyra A, Melita EA, Mann RA. Role of Coronary Angiography in the Assessment of Cardiovascular Risk in Kidney Transplant Candidates. Am J Cardiol 2016; 118(5):679-83.
- Osband AJ, Fyfe B, Laskow D. Virtual microscopy improves sharing of deceased donor kidneys. Am J Surg 2016; 212(4):592-595.
- Durand WM, Peters JL, Eltorai AE, Kalagara S, Osband AJ, Daniels AH. Medical crowdfunding for organ transplantation. Clin Transpl 2018; 32(6):e13267.
- Hartnett DA, Eltorai AE, Osband AJ, Ahmed SA, Daniels AH. Cholecystectomy-Related Malpractice Litigation: Predictive Factors of Case Outcome. Updates Surg February 2019; epub ahead of print.
- Kim SH, Baird GL, Bayliss G, Merhi B, Osband A, Gohh RY, Morrissey PE. A single-center analysis of early readmission after renal transplantation. Clinical Transplantation March 2019; epub ahead of print.