When it comes to colorectal cancer rates, there’s some good and some bad news. The good news? Rates are going down among people 50 and older. However, for those under 50, rates have been steadily increasing. Because of this, the recommended age to begin screening for colorectal cancer changed from 50 to 45. But for…
In the News
PBN 5 Questions: Dr. Rebecca Gologorsky Discusses New Role at Brown Surgical Associates
PROVIDENCE, R.I. — After hearing the news that fellowship-trained surgeon Rebecca Gologorsky, MD has joined Brown Surgical Associates‘ Division of Colorectal Surgery the Providence Business News invited her to take part in their weekly “5 Questions” series. She discussed her priorities in her new role here at BSA and as a member of the clinical…
Dr. Katz Gives Congressman Gabe Amo Firsthand Look at Cancer Research Innovation Happening in RI
PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Weeks after successfully advocating for groundbreaking cancer treatment technology in Washington, U.S. Congressman Gabe Amo recently received an update from researchers in Rhode Island about how that technology is already having an impact throughout the country. Congressman Amo — a member of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology — last…
Ocean State Stories: Q & A with Dr. Francois I. Luks
Brown Surgical Associates’ Dr. Francois Luks, Pediatric Surgeon-In-Chief at Hasbro Children’s Hospital, is truly a jack of all trades. He’s a skilled surgeon, a professor, and even a published author/illustrator. Ocean State Stories Director G. Wayne Miller recently conducted an in-depth interview with Dr. Luks, covering a wide range of topics including his upbringing in…
How Dr. Giorgi, BSA’s Hernia Center Fixed Patrick’s ‘Inoperable’ Hernia
For years, Patrick was told his hernia was too complex to be fixed. So, he lived with the pain and inconvenience. That is until his chart came across Dr. Marcoandrea Giorgi’s desk. Dr. Giorgi knew he and the team at the Comprehensive Hernia Center at Brown Surgical Associates could help Patrick get his life back….
Dr. Wiggins: Great Network of People Key to Finding Right Surgeon
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and NBC10 WJAR’s Barbara Morse sat down with Dr. Amy Maselli, an Assistant Professor of Plastic Surgery at Brown University, and Dr. Doreen Wiggins, from The Center for Breast Care at Brown Surgical Associates. In case you missed it, the interview is on Turnto10.com »
PBN 5 Questions: BSA’s Dr. Ortega Goddard discusses trends in minimally invasive procedures, bariatric surgery
PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Emily Ortega Goddard, MD specializes in both bariatric and general surgery, with a particular interest in surgical endoscopy; robotic surgery; complex abdominal wall reconstruction and hernia surgery; foregut surgery; and bariatric surgery. She recently answered “5 Questions” from the Providence Business News, discussing the latest trends in minimally invasive procedures, the evolution…
‘Paddle for Progress’ Raises Nearly $32K for Breast Cancer Research in RI
The first year of Paddle for Progress was a remarkable success. With about 75 paddlers taking to the waters of Wickford Harbor last month, the inaugural event raised just under $32,000 for breast cancer research in Rhode Island. Deb Shapiro, the event’s founder, presented a check to Dr. Theresa Graves, director of The Center for…
Mother-Daughter Duo Launch ‘Paddle for Progress’ After Shared Breast Cancer Battle
(WJAR) — “We were stunned and shocked,” said Deb Shapiro, recalling when her then 40-year-old daughter Daryl West was diagnosed with breast cancer. “And then 100 days later I go for my mammogram a little earlier than usual just because of what we’re dealing with and I’m diagnosed with breast cancer.” “Daryl had a much…
What you need to know about skin cancer
Skin cancer is America’s most common cancer and it’s estimated that one in five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime. The American Cancer Society estimates that nearly 8,000 people will die of melanoma in the U.S. this year. That’s why early detection and treatment of any type of skin cancer is so important. In…