Surgical Care in Johnston, RI
At the satellite office of Brown Surgical Associates located in Johnston, Rhode Island, you’ll have access to our highly qualified physicians who offer a wide range of surgical specialties and services.
If you know which doctor you would like to see, please call that doctor directly. The office contact number is found in the provider list below. If you cannot find your provider you can search a list of all Brown Surgical Associates providers here.
BSA Providers at this Location
Phone: (401) 272-1800
Fax: (401) 751-5124
Atwood Medical Center
1524 Atwood Avenue, Suite 335
Johnston, RI 02919
We are conveniently located in the Atwood Medical Center. See directions below. If you are traveling by bus, please visit the Rhode Island Public Transit Authority website to plan your trip.
From Providence and the east:
- Take Route 6 to the RI-5/Atwood Avenue exit
- Keep right at fork, follow signs for Johnston and merge onto RI-5 north/Atwood Avenue
- Location will be approximately 1/2 mile on left
From the west:
- Take I-295 south to the Route 6 exit
- Turn left at bottom of ramp onto Hartford Avenue
- Continue approximately 1 mile
- Turn left onto Atwood Avenue
- Location will be approximately 1/2 mile on left