David T. Harrington, MD, FACS
Professor of Surgery and Surgery Residency Program Director, Warren Alpert Medical School at Brown University
Director, Rhode Island Burn Center
Accepting New Patients
Board Certification: American Board of Surgery
Education: Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA
Residency: General Surgery - SUNY at Buffalo Medical-Dental Consortium, Buffalo, NY, and University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine, Chicago, IL
Fellowship: Burns, Trauma and Critical Care - U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Research,Fort Sam, Houston, TX
Memberships in Societies:
Fellow - American College of Surgeons (FACS)
American Association for the Surgery of Trauma
American Burn Association
ACS Committee on Trauma
Association of Program Directors in Surgery
Association for Surgical Education
Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma
International Society for Burn Injuries
New England Surgical Society
Society of Critical Care Medicine
Surgical Infection Society
Chicago Surgical Society
Hospital Affiliations:
Hasbro Children's Hospital
The Miriam Hospital
Rhode Island Hospital
Women & Infants Hospital
In the News
- BSA’s Dr. Harrington, RI Hospital Help Woman Recover from Devastating Injury (4/8/2022)
- Rhode Island Burn Foundation Hosting Fundraiser Comedy Show (3/15/2022)
- Turkey carving, fire pits can pose holiday dangers (11/30/2020)
Fire Fighter Burn Study »
Patient Care Study (PACTS Study) »
Resident Well-Being Study (SECOND Study) »
- Bird P, McSweeney A, Harrington DT, Barillo DJ, Shirani KZ, Goodwin CW. Elder Abuse: A Call to Action. Journal of Burn Care and Rehabilitation 19(6):522-527, 1998.
- Barillo DJ, Burge TS, Harrington DT, Coffey EC, Shirani KZ, Goodwin CW. Body habitus as a predictor of burn risk in children: Do fat boys still get burned? Burns 24:725-727, 1998.
- Zak AL, Harrington DT, Barillo DJ, Lawlor DF, Shirani KZ, Goodwin CW. Acute respiratory failure that complicates the resuscitation of pediatric patients with scald injuries. J Burn Care Rehab 20:391-399, 1999.
- Harrington DT, Mozingo DW, Cancio L, Bird P, Jordan B, Goodwin CW: Thermally injured patients are at significant risk for thromboembolic complications. J Trauma 50: 495-499, 2001.
- Harrington DT, Jordan BS, Dubick MA, Cancio LC, Brinkley W, Kim S, Burleson DG, Delgado A, Goodwin CW. Delayed partial liquid ventilation shows no efficacy in the treatment of smoke inhalation injury in swine. J Applied Physiology 90(6): 2351-60, 2001.
- Rocco Jr TR, Reinert SE, Cioffi W, Harrington D, Buczko G, Simms HH. A 9 year, single-institution, retrospective review of death rate and prognosis factors in adult respiratory distress syndrome. Ann Surg Mar;233(3):414-22, 2001.
- Safran H, Moore T, Iannitti D, DePetrillo T, Akerman P, Cioffi W, Harrington D, Quirk D, Rathore R, Cruff D, Vakharia J, Vora S, Savarese D, Wanebo H. Paclitaxel and Concurrent Radiation for Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer. J. Radiation Oncology Biol. Phys 49,5:1275-1279, 2001.
- Biffl WL, Harrington DT, Cioffi WG. Implementation of a tertiary trauma survey decreases missed injuries. J Trauma 54(1):38-43; discussion 43-4, 2003.
- Mahoney E, Biffl WL, Harrington DT, Cioffi WG. Isolated brain injury as a cause of hypotension in the blunt trauma patient. J Trauma 55(6):1065-9, 2003.
- Biffl WL, Schiffman JD, Harrington DT, Sullivan J, Tracy TF Jr, Cioffi WG. Legal prosecution of alcohol-impaired drivers admitted to a Level I trauma center in Rhode Island. J Trauma 56(1):24-9, 2004.
- Tsikitis V, Biffl WL, Majercik S, Harrington DT, Cioffi WG. Selective clinical management of anterior abdominal stab wounds. Am J Surg 188(6):807-12, 2004.
- Mahoney EJ, Harrington DT, Biffl WL, Metzger J, Oka T, Cioffi WG. Lessons learned from a nightclub fire: institutional disaster preparedness. J Trauma 58(3):487-91, 2005.
- Cloutier DR, Harrington DT. Image of the month: Vibrio cellulitis. Arch Surg 140: 209-10, 2005.
- Harrington DT, Biffl WB, Cioffi WG. The Station Nightclub Fire. J Burn Care Rehabil 26:141-3, 2005.
- Harrington DT, Connolly M, Biffl WL, Majercik SD, Cioffi WG. Transfer times to definitive care facilities are too long: a consequence of an immature trauma system. Ann Surg 241(6): 961-6; discussion 966-8, 2005.
- Biffl WL, Harrington DT, Majercik SD, Starring J, Cioffi WG. The evolution of trauma care at a level I trauma center. J Am Coll Surg. 200(6):922-9, 2005.
- Majercik S, Tashjian RZ, Biffl WL, Harrington DT, Cioffi WG. Halo vest immobilization in the elderly: a death sentence? J Trauma. 59(2):350-6; discussion 356-8, 2005.
- Tsai JY, Iannitti D, Berkenblit A, Akerman P, Nadeem A, Rathore R, Harrington D, Roye DG, Miner T, Barnett JM, Maia C, Stuart K, Safran H. Phase I/II study of docetaxel, capecitabine and carboplatin in metastatic esophagogastric cancer: Am J Clin Oncol 28(4): 329-33, 2005.
- Klaristenfeld DD, Harrington DT, Miner TJ. Teaching Palliative Care and End-of-Life Issues: A Core Curriculum for Surgical Residents. Ann Surg Oncol. 2007 Jun;14(6):1801-6. Epub 2007 Mar 8.
- Evans D, Miner T, Ianitti D, Akerman P, Cruff D, Maia-Acuna C, Harrington D, Habr F, Chauhan B, Berkenblit A, Stuart K, Sears D, Kennedy T, Safran H. Docetaxel, capecitabine and carboplatin in metastatic esophagogastric cancer: a phase II study. Cancer Invest 25(6): 445-8, 2007.
- Abodeely A, Roye GD, Harrington DT, Cioffi WG. Pregnancy outcomes after bariatric surgery: maternal, fetal, and infant implications. Surg Obes Relat Dis 30: [Epub ahead of print], 2007.
- Zimmerman M, Francoine-Witt C, Chelminski I, Young D, Boerescu D, Attiullah N, Pohl D, Roye GD, Harrington DT. Presurgical psychiatric evaluations of candidates for bariatric surgery, part 1: reliability and reasons for and frequency of exclusion. J Clin Psychiatry 68(10): 1557-62, 2007.
- Harrington DT, Roye GD, Ryder BA, Miner TJ, Richardson P, Cioffi WG. A Time-Cost Analysis of Teaching a Laparoscopic Entero-Enterostomy. J Surg Ed. 64(6): 342-5, 2007.
- Steven Millman, MD, Thomas Ng, MD, FACS, David T. Harrington, MD, FACS. Efficacy of Preoperative Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Screening and Chlorhexidine Chest Scrub in Decreasing the Incidence of Post-Resection Empyema. J of Am Coll of Surgeons 207(3): S33, September 2008
- David Harrington, MD, FACS, Volumetric Diffusive Ventilator, Journal of Burn Care & Research 30(1): 175-176, January 2009
- Michael D. Peck, MD, David Harrington, MD, Ronald P. Mlcak, PhD, Robert Cartotto, MD, FRCS(C), Potential Studies of Mode of Ventilation in Inhalation Injury, Journal of Burn Care & Research 30(1): 181-183, January 2009
- David T. Harrington, MD, Benjamin Philips, MD, Jason Machan, PhD, Nikos Zacharias, MD, George C. Velmehos, MD, Michael S. Rosenblatt, MD, Eleanor Winston, MD, Lisa Patterson, MD, Steven Desjardins, MD, Robert Winchell, MD, Sheldon Brotman, MD, John T. Schulz, MD, PhD, Adrian A. Maung, MD, Kimberly A. Davis, MD, Factors Associated with Survival Following Blunt Chest Trauma in Older Patients: Results from a Large Regional Trauma Cooperative, September 2009, Archives of Surgery, 145(5)
- Velmahos GC, Zacharias N, Emhoff TA, Feeney JM, Hurst JM, Crookes BA, Harrington DT, Gregg SC, Brotman S, Burke PA, Davis KA, Gupta R, Winchell RJ, Desjardins S, Alloquitur R, Gross RI, Rosenblatt MS, Schulz JT, Chang Y. Management of the Most Severely Injured Spleen: A Multicenter Study of the Research Consortium of New England Centers for Trauma (ReCONECT). Arch Surg 145(5):456-60, May 2010
- Sharkey KM, Machan JT, Tosi C, Roye GD, Harrington D, Millman RP. , Predicting Obstructive Sleep Apnea Among Women Candidates For Bariatric Surgery, Journal of Women’s Health, 19(10): 1833-41, October 2010
- Heffernan DS, Vera RM, Monaghan SF, Thakkar RK, Kozloff MS, Connolly MD, Gregg SC, Machan JT, Harrington, DT, Adams CA Jr, Cioffi WG. Impact of Socioethnic Factors on Outcomes Following Traumatic Brain Injury, J Trauma. 70(3):527-34, March 2011
- Sareh Rajaee; Beth A. Ryder, MD, Adam Abodeely, MD, G. Dean Roye, MD, David T. Harrington, MD, Does parental weight loss after gastric bypass affect the weight of children in the household? Surg for Obesity and Related Diseases, May 2011:7(3): 257-432
- Gemignani AS, Muhlebach SG, Abbott BG, Roye GD, Harrington DT, Arrighi JA, Stress-only or stress/rest myocardial perfusion imaging in patients undergoing evaluation for bariatric surgery, J Nucl Cardiol, 2011 Oct; 18(5): 886-92. Epub 2011 Jul 15
- Thomas Ng, MD, Beth A Ryder, MD, Hueylan Chern, MD, Frank W Sellke, MD, Jason T. Machan, PhD, David T Harrington, MD, William G Cioffi, MD, Leukocyte-depleted blood transfusion is associated with decreased survival in resected early-stage lung cancer, J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2012; 143(4): 815-9; doi:10.1016/j.jtcvs.2011.12.031
- Monaghan SF, Blakely AM, Richardson PJ, Miner TJ, Cioffi WG, Harrington DT. The reflective statement: a new tool to assess resident learning. J Surg Res, 2012 Dec;178(2):618-22
- Kevin Charpentier, Zach Okhah, David Harrington, Paul Morrissey, William Cioffi, Assessment of Surgical Residents in a Vascular Anastomosis Laboratory, J Surg Res.2013 Nov;185(1):450-4.
- Katherine Sharkey, Henry J. Orff, PhD, Christine Tosi, BA, David Harrington, MD, G. Dean Roye, MD, Richard P. Millman, MD, Subjective Sleepiness and Daytime Functioning in Bariatric Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Sleep and Breathing, 2013 Mar;17(1):267-74
- Vincent Duron, Johnathan Bii, Richard Mutai, Janee Ngetich, David Harrington, Robert Parker, Russell White, Pilot Study: Esophageal cancer awareness in Bomet district, Western Kenya, Afr Health Sci;2013 Mar;13(1):122-8
- Harrington D, Holmes J, Conlon K, Jeng J, An update on the regional organizations of the American Burn Association. J Burn Care Res.2014 May-Jun; 35(3):228-32
- Cioffi WG, Harrington DT. A multi-institutional benchmark of burn outcomes as a spur to further improvements in burn care. Ann Surg. 2014 May;259(5):842-3
- Hickerson WL, Ryan CM, Conlon KM, Harrington DT, Foster K, Schwartz S, Iyer N, Jeschke M, Haller HL, Faucher LD, Arnoldo BD, Jeng JC. What’s in a Name? Recent Key Projects of the Committee on Organization and Delivery of Burn Care. J Burn Care Res. 2015 Nov-Dec;36(6):619-25
- Wibbenmeyer L, Gittelman MA, Kluesner K, Liao J, Xing Y, Faraklas I, Anyan W, Gamero C, Moulton S, Nederveld C, Banks A, Ryan CM, Conway JA, Reilly DA, Fish J, Kelly C, Peltier G, Schwantke E, Conrad PF, Caruso DM, Richey KJ, McCrory K, Elfar MS, Pittinger T, Sadie C, Greenhalgh D, Palmieri T, Grossman PH, Richards KM, Joyce T, Pozez AL, Savetamal A, Harrington DT, Duncan K, Pomerantz WJ, Dillard BD.A multi-study of preventable contact burns from glass-fronted gas fireplaces. J Burn Care Res. 2015 Jan-Feb;36(1):240-5.
- Harrington DT, Miner T, NG T, Charpentier K, Richardson P, Cioffi WG. What shape is your resident in? Using a radar plot to guide a milestone clinical competency discussion. J Surg Educ. 2015 Nov-Dec;72(6):e294-8
- Vidri RJ, Blakely AM, Kulkarni SS, Vaghjiani RG, Heffernan DS, Harrington DT, Cioffi WG, Miner TJ. American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program as a quality-measurement tool for advanced cancer patients. Ann Palliat Med. 2015 Oct;4(4):200-6.
- Day KM, Schwartz TM, Rao V, Khokhar MT, Miner TJ, Harrington DT, Ryder BA, Medical Student Clerkship Performance and Career Selection Following a Junior Medical Student Surgical Mentorship Program. Am J Surg. 2016 Feb;211(2):431-6
- Schwartz TM, Day KM, Harrington DT. An Early Surgical Training Module For Compartment Pressure Measurement. Am J Surg. 2016 Feb;211(2):350-4
- Adams C, Harrington DT, Heffernan D, Marwaha J, Monaghan S, Nunez H, Zimmerman A. (in press) Preoperative Myocardial Injury as a Predictor of Mortality in Emergency General Surgery: An Analysis using the ACS NSQIP Database. J Am Coll Surg. 2016-624R1
- Gregg SC, Heffernan DS, Connolly MD, Stephen AH, Lueckel SN, Harrington DT, Machan JT, Adams CA Jr, Cioffi WG. Teaching Leadership in Trauma Resuscitation: Immediate Feedback from a Real-Time, Competency-Based Evaluation Tool Shows Long-Term Improvement in Resident Performance. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2016 Oct;81(4):729-34
- Harrington DT. Complicated Burn Resuscitation. Crit Care Clin. 2016 Oct;32(4):577-86
- Serio-Melvin ML, Salinas J, Chung KK, Collins C, Graybill JC, Harrington DT, Herndon DN, Greenhalgh DG, Kramer GC, Lintner A, Mosier MJ, Nagpal A, Cancio LC. Burn Shock and Resuscitation: Proceedings of a Symposium Conducted at the Meeting of the American Burn Association, Chicago, IL, 21 April 2015. J Burn Care Res. 2017 Jan/Feb;38(1):e423-e431
- Ottinger ME, Monaghan SF, Gregg SC, Stephen AH, Connolly MD, Harrington DT, Adams CA Jr, Cioffi WG, Heffernan DS. Trauma morning report is the ideal environment to teach and evaluate resident communication and sign-outs in the 80 hour work week. Injury 2017 Sep;48(9):2003-2009
- Dressler JA, Ryder BA, Connolly M, Blais MD, Miner TJ, Harrington DT. “Tweet”-Format Writing Is an Effective Tool for Medical Student Reflection. J Surg Educ. 2018 Sep – Oct;75(5):1206-1210
- Ferreira KS, Lynch K, Ryder BA, Connolly M, Miner T, Harrington DT. Lessons Learned From the Surgical Morbidity and Mortality Conference. J Surg Educ. 2019 Jan – Feb;76(1):174-181
- Dressler JA, Ryder BA, Monteiro K, Cheschi E, Connolly M, Miner TJ, Harrington DT. “Tweet”-format reflective writing: A hidden needs assessment? Am J Surg. 2019 Feb;217(2):314-317