Francois I. Luks, MD, PhD, FACS
Pediatric Surgeon-in-Chief and Chief, Division of Pediatric Surgery, Hasbro Children's Hospital
Professor of Surgery, Pediatrics, and Obstetrics and Gynecology, Warren Alpert Medical School at Brown University; Director, Program in Fetal Medicine
Accepting New Patients
Francois Luks, MD, PhD, is Pediatric Surgeon-in-Chief and Division Chief of Pediatric Surgery at Hasbro Children’s Hospital.
Dr. Luks earned his bachelor’s degree from Rijksuniversitair Centrum Antwerpen, his medical degree from Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen, and his PhD in medical sciences from Catholic University Leuven, all in his native Belgium. He completed his residency in general surgery at Catholic Medical Center of Brooklyn and Queens (NY), then a residency in pediatric surgery at Hospital Ste-Justine in Montreal. He spent two years on a research fellowship through Catholic University of Leuven before joining both Hasbro and Women & Infants as Attending Surgeon in 1994.
Dr. Luks has taken on progressively senior management roles at Hasbro, serving as Director for Trauma in the PICU for 15 years from 1995 to 2010, then subsequently Director of Trauma for the whole of Hasbro Children’s Hospital. He has served on and led more than a dozen standing and ad hoc committees at the hospital, from those in his specialty like the Pediatric Trauma Patient Care Committee, which he chaired, to those addressing issues in the broader hospital community, such as the Rhode Island Hospital Strategic Planning Committee. He has also continued to serve concurrently as attending surgeon at Women & Infants, and for several years each as attending surgeon at Morton Hospital (Taunton, MA) and New England Medical Center (Boston, MA). He also operates at St. Anne’s Hospital in Fall River, MA.
His research interests include fetal development and fetal surgery, and in particular the etiology of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. He was the site principal investigator for the first randomized study on endoscopic fetal surgery for this syndrome; the Brown Fetal Treatment Program was the only North American center participating in the study. The program is a founding member of the North American Fetal Treatment Network (NAFTNet); Dr. Luks has been a member of its Executive Committee since 2007.
Dr. Luks has published and presented widely, with more than 120 peer-reviewed publications and book chapters and more than 100 abstracts. He has served The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University for his entire 25 years in Providence, currently as director of the Program in Fetal Medicine, and professor of surgery, pediatrics and obstetrics & gynecology. Throughout the course of his time at Brown he has served as independent course director, faculty sponsor and thesis director to numerous promising medical students.
Board Certification: American Board of Surgery (General Surgery, Pediatric Surgery)
Education: University of Antwerp, Belgium
General Surgery - Lutheran Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY
Pediatric Surgery - Hospital Sainte-Justine, University of Montreal, Canada
Fellowship: Research, PhD - Catholic University of Leuven Catholic University of Leuven Center for Surgical Technologies Leuven, Belgium
Memberships in Societies:
Fellow - American College of Surgeons (FACS)
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Pediatric Surgical Association
North American Fetal Therapy Network
American Surgical Association
Canadian Association of Paediatric Surgeons
International Fetal Medicine and Surgery Society
International Pediatric Endosurgery Group
New England Surgical Society
Children's Oncology Group
Société Française de Chirurgie Pédiatrique
Society of University Surgeons
Pediatric Trauma Society
Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma
Hospital Affiliations:
Hasbro Children's Hospital
Women & Infants Hospital
- Luks FI: An easy approach to the slit catheter technique for intra-compartmental pressure measurement. Surg Gynecol Obstet 167:518-520,
- Luks FI, Hansbrough F, Klotz DH, Jr., Kottmeier PK, Tolete-Velcek F: Early gender assignment in true hermaphroditism. J Pediatr Surg 23:1122-1126,
- Luks FI, Huntley HN, Tula JC, Pizzi WF: Small-bowel obstruction by an inflatable penile prosthesis. Surgery, 106:101-104,
- Luks FI, Picard DL, Pizzi WF: Electrocardiographic guidance for percutaneous placement of central venous catheters. Surg Gynecol Obstet 169:157-158,
- Lee HS, Lamaute HR, Pizzi WF, Picard DL, Luks FI: Acute gastro-duodenal perforation associated with use of crack. Ann Surg 210:15-17,
- Luks FI, Shah MN, Bulauitan MC, Lopresti PA, Pizzi WF: Adult foregut duplication. Surgery 108:101-104, 1990.
- Luks FI, Yazbeck S, Brandt ML, Desjardins JG: Fièvre transitoire associée à la réduction de l’invagination intestinale. Chir Pédiatr 31:157-159,
- Brandt ML, Luks FI, Filiatrault D, Desjardins JG, Youssef S: Surgical indications for antenatally diagnosed ovarian cysts. J Pediatr Surg 26:276-282,
- Brandt ML, Luks FI, St Vil D, Laberge JM, Laberge-Caouette L, Blanchard H: The use of Glisson’s capsule flap in reduced orthotopic liver transplantation in children. Surg Gynecol Obstet 172:321-322,
- Bass J, Luks F, Yazbeck S: Long term follow-up of sacrococcygeal teratomas with emphasis on anorectal function. Pediatr Surg Int 6:119-121,
- Luks FI, Battaglia SA, Picard DL, Pizzi WF: A reappraisal of exclusion angiography in gunshot wounds of the extremities. Vasc Surg 25:295-300,
- Andzé GO, Luks FI, Bensoussan AL, Blanchard H: Place du traitement chirurgical du reflux gastro-oesophagien chez l’enfant atteint d’asthme sévère. Pédiatrie 46:451-454,
- St-Vil D, Luks FI, Lebel P, Brandt ML, Paradis K, Weber A, Guay J, Bensoussan AL, Laberge JM, Blanchard H: Infectious complications of pediatric liver transplantation. J Pediatr Surg 26:908-913, 1991.
- Luks FI, Yazbeck S, Brandt ML, Bensoussan AL, Brochu P, Blanchard H: Benign liver tumors in children. A 25-year experience. J Pediatr Surg 26:1326-1331,
- Luks FI, Chung MA, Brandt ML, Hertecant J, Roy CC, Blanchard H, Bensoussan AL: Pneumatosis in chronic idiopathic intestinal pseudo-obstruction. J Pediatr Surg 26:1384-1386,
- Yazbeck S, Luks FI, St-Vil D: Anterior perineal approach and three-flap anoplasty for imperforate anus: optimal reconstruction with minimal destruction. J Pediatr Surg 27: 190-195,
- Hancock BJ, St-Vil D, Luks FI, DiLorenzo M, Blanchard H: Complications of lymphangiomas in children. J Pediatr Surg 27: 220-226,
- Brandt ML, Luks FI, Spigland NA, DiLorenzo M, Laberge JM, Ouimet A: Diaphragmatic injuries in children. J Trauma 32:298-301,
- St-Vil D, Luks FI, Hancock BJ, Garel L, Brochu P, Bensoussan AL: Diaphragm of the gallbladder. J Pediatr Surg 27:1301-1303,
- St-Vil D, Yazbeck S, Luks FI, Filiatrault D: Cholelithiasis in newborns and infants. J Pediatr Surg 27:1305-1307,
- St-Vil D, LeBouthillier G, Luks FI, Bensoussan AL, Blanchard H, Youssef S: Neonatal gastrointestinal perforations. J Pediatr Surg 27:1340-1342,
- St-Vil D, Luks FI, Derouin M, Bensoussan AL, Blanchard H, Filiatrault D: Les kystes du cholédoque de l’enfant: expérience de l’hopital Ste-Justine. Ann Chir 46:821-825,
- Luks FI, Yazbeck S, Perreault G, Desjardins JG: Changes in the presentation of Am J Emerg Med 10:574-756, 1992.
- Luks FI, St-Vil D, Farrell CA, Angaté H, Chartrand C: Inadvertent pericardiacophrenic vein catheterization. Chest 102:1635,
- Luks FI, Lemire A, St-Vil D, DiLorenzo M, Filiatrault D, Ouimet A: Blunt abdominal trauma in children: the practical value of ultrasonography. J Trauma 34:607-611,
- Luks FI, Yazbeck S, Homsy Y, Collin PP: Abdominoscrotal hydrocele. Eur J Pediatr Surg 3:176-178, 1993.
- Luks FI, De Paepe ME, DiLorenzo M, Mercier C, Desjardins JG: Tailgut remnant — or teratoma? Eur J Pediatr Surg 3:182-185,
- Lallier M, St-Vil D, Luks FI, Laberge JM, Bensoussan AL, Guttman FM, Blanchard H: Biliary tract complications in pediatric orthotopic liver transplantation. J Pediatr Surg 28:1102-5,
- Luks FI, St-Vil D, Hancock BJ, Laberge JM, Bensoussan AL, Mitchell G, Russo P, Lambert M, Blanchard H: Surgical and metabolic aspects of liver transplantation for tyrosinemia. Transplantation 56:1376-1380,
- Lallier M, St-Vil D, Luks FI, Laberge JM, Bensoussan AL, Blanchard H: Complications biliaires en transplantation hépatique pédiatrique. Ann Chir 47:821-825, 1993.
- Bruneau N, St-Vil D, Luks FI, Laberge JM, Bensoussan AL, Blanchard H: Les aspects chirurgicaux et métaboliques de la transplantation hépatique pour la tyrosinémie. Ann Chir 47:803-809, 1993.
- Luks FI, Deprest J, Marcus M, Vandenberghe K, Vertommen JD, Lerut T, Brosens I: Carbon dioxide pneumoamnios causes acidosis in fetal lamb. Fetal Diagn Ther 9:105-109,
- Luks FI, Deprest JA, Vandenberghe K, Laermans I, Desimpelaere L, Brosens IA, Lerut T: Fetoscopy-guided fetal endoscopy in a sheep model. J Am Coll Surg 178:609-612,
- Luks FI, Deprest J, Brosens I, Lerut T: Extracorporeal surgical knot. J Am Coll Surg 179:220- 222, 1994.
- Luks FI, Deprest JA, Vandenberghe K, Brosens IA, Lerut T: A model for fetal surgery through intra-uterine endoscopy. J Pediatr Surg 29:1007-1009, 1994.
- Brandt ML, Luks FI, Lacroix J, Guay J, Collin PP, DiLorenzo M: The paediatric chest tube. Clin Intens Care 5:123-129,
- Luks FI, Deprest JA, Peers KHE, Desimpelaere L, Vandenberghe K: Infrared fetoscopy in the sheep. Fetal Diagn Ther 9:327-330, 1994.
- van der Wildt B, Luks FI, Steegers EAP, Deprest JA, Peers KHE: Absence of electrical uterine activity after endoscopic access for fetal surgery in the Rhesus monkey. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 58:213-214,
- Deprest JA, Luks FI, Vandenberghe K, Brosens IA, Lerut T, Van Assche FA: Intra-uterine video-endoscopic creation of lower urinary tract obstruction in the fetal lamb. Am J Obstet Gynecol 172:1422-1426,
- Luks FI, Peers KHE, Deprest JA, Lerut TE: Gasless laparoscopy in infants: The rabbit model. J Pediatr Surg 30:1206-1208,
- Luks FI, Gilchrist BF, Jackson BT, Piasecki GJ: Endoscopic tracheal obstruction with an expanding device in a fetal lamb model. Preliminary considerations. Fetal Diagn Ther 11:67-71,
- Luks FI, Peers KHE, Deprest JA, Lerut TE, Vandenberghe K: The effect of open and endoscopic fetal surgery on uteroplacental oxygen delivery in the sheep. J Pediatr Surg 31:310- 314, 1996.
- Chen EA, Luks FI, Gilchrist BF, Wesselhoeft CW, Jr., DeLuca FG: Pyloric stenosis in the age of ultrasonography: Fading skills, better patients? J Pediatr Surg 31:829-830,
- DeLuca FG, Wesselhoeft CW, Gilchrist BF, Paquette E, Wesselhoeft CW, Luks FI: External compression as initial management of giant omphaloceles. J Pediatr Surg 31:965-967,
- Guluserian KJ, Gilchrist BF, Luks FI, Wesselhoeft CW, Jr., DeLuca FG: Child abuse as a cause of traumatic chylothorax. J Pediatr Surg 31:1696-1697,
- Pricolo VE, Potenti FM, Luks FI. Selective preservation of the anal transition zone in ileoanal pouch procedures. Dis Colon Rectum 39:871-877,
- Papadakis K, Luks FI, De Paepe ME, Piasecki GJ, Wesselhoeft CW, Jr. Fetal lung growth after tracheal ligation is not solely a pressure phenomenon. J Pediatr Surg 32:347-351,
- Gilchrist BF, Luks FI, DeLuca FG, Wesselhoeft CW, Jr. A modified feeding Roux-en-Y jejunostomy in the neurologically damaged child. J Pediatr Surg 32:588-589,
- Luks FI, Deprest JA, Gilchrist BF, Peers KHE, van der wildt B, Steegers EAP, Vandenberghe K. Access techniques in endoscopic fetal surgery. Eur J Pediatr Surg 7:131-134, 1997.
- Evrard VAC, Verbeke K, Peers KH, Luks FI, Lerut AE, Vandenberghe K, Deprest JAM. Amnioinfusion with Hartmann’s solution: A safe distention medium for endoscopic fetal surgery in the ovine model. Fetal Diagn Ther 12:188-192,
- Ng T, Lessin MS, Luks FI, Wallach MT, Wesselhoeft CW, Jr. Wandering spleen presenting as duodenal obstruction after congenital diaphragmatic hernia repair. J Pediatr Surg 32:1790-2,
- De Paepe ME, Papadakis K, Johnson BD, Luks FI. Fate of the type II pneumocyte following tracheal occlusion in utero: A time-course study in fetal sheep. Virchows Arch 432:7-16,
- De Paepe ME, Papadakis K, Johnson BD, Luks F I. Temporal pattern of accelerated lung growth in the fetal rabbit. Am J Pathol 152:179-190, 1998.
- Lessin MS, Luks FI, Wesselhoeft CW, DeLuca FG. Peritoneal drainage as definitive treatment for intestinal perforation in the micro-premature (< 750 g) infant. J Pediatr Surg 33:370-2,
- Lessin MS, Luks FI. Laparoscopic appendectomy and duodenocolic dissociation (L.A.D.D.) procedure for malrotation. Pediatr Surg Int 13:184-185,
- Papadakis K, Luks FI, Deprest JA, Evrard V, Flageole H, Miserez M, Lerut TE. Single-port tracheoscopic surgery in the fetal lamb. J Pediatr Surg 33:918-920,
- Papadakis K, De Paepe ME, Tackett LD, Piasecki GJ, Luks FI. Temporary tracheal occlusion causes catch-up lung maturation in a fetal model of diaphragmatic hernia. J Pediatr Surg 33:1030-1037, 1998.
- Luks FI, Johnson BD, Papadakis K, Traore M, Piasecki GJ. Predictive value of monitoring parameters in fetal surgery. J Pediatr Surg 33:1297-1301,
- Papadakis K, Chen EA, Luks FI, Lessin MS, Wesselhoeft CW, Jr., DeLuca FG. The changing presentation of pyloric stenosis. Am J Emerg Med 17:67-69,
- Lessin MS, Luks FI, Brem AS, Wesselhoeft CW, Jr.: Primary laparoscopic placement of peritoneal dialysis catheters in children and young adults. Surg Endosc 13:1165-1167,
- Tackett LD, Breuer CK, Luks FI, Caldamone AA, Efthemiou E, Wesselhoeft CW, Jr.: Incidence of contralateral inguinal hernia: a prospective analysis. J Pediatr Surg 34:684-688,
- De Paepe ME, Sardesai MP, Johnson BD, Papadakis K, Luks FI: Role of apoptosis in normal and accelerated lung development in fetal rabbits. J Pediatr Surg 34:863-871,
- Deprest JA, Luks FI, Peers KHE, D’Olieslager J, Van Ginderdeuren R: Natural protective mechanisms against endoscopic white-light injury in the fetal lamb eye. Obstet Gynecol 94:124- 127, 1999.
- Luks FI, Deprest JA, Peers KH, Steegers EA, van der Wildt B. Gelatin sponge plug to seal fetoscopy port sites: technique in ovine and primate models. Am J Obstet Gynecol 181:995-6,
- Lessin MS, Chan M, Catallozzi M, Gilchrist BF, Richards C, Manera L, Wallach MT, Luks FI: Selective use of ultrasonography for acute appendicitis in children. Am J Surg 177:193-6,
- Luks FI, Logan J, Papadakis K, Breuer CK, Kurkchubasche AG, Wesselhoeft CW, Jr., Tracy TF: Cost-effectiveness of laparoscopy in children. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 153:965-8,
- De Paepe ME, Johnson BD, Papadakis K, Luks FI: Lung growth response after tracheal occlusion in fetal rabbits is gestational age-dependent. Am J Resp Cell Mol Biol 21:65-76,
- Lessin MS, Wesselhoeft CW, Luks FI, DeLuca FG. Primary repair of long gap esophageal atresia by mobilization of the distal esophagus. Eur J Pediatr Surg 9:369-372,
- Roggin KK, Breuer CK, Carr SR, Kurkchubasche AG, Wesselhoeft CW, Jr., Tracy TF, Jr., Luks FI. The unpredictable character of congenital cystic lung lesions. J Pediatr Surg 35:801-5,
- Wild YK, Piasecki GJ, De Paepe ME, Luks FI. Short-term tracheal occlusion in fetal lambs with diaphragmatic hernia improves lung function, even in the absence of lung growth. J Pediatr Surg 35:775-779, 2000.
- Liao SL, Luks FI, Piasecki GJ, Wild YK, Papadakis K, De Paepe ME. Late-gestation tracheal occlusion in the fetal lamb causes rapid lung growth with type II cell preservation. J Surg Res 92:64-70, 2000.
- Luks FI, Wild YK, Piasecki GJ, De Paepe ME. Short-term tracheal occlusion corrects pulmonary vascular anomalies in the fetal lamb with diaphragmatic hernia. Surgery 128:266- 272, 2000.
- Luks FI. Requirements for fetal surgery: The diaphragmatic hernia model. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 92:115-118,
- De Paepe ME, Rubin LP, Jude C, Lesieur-Brooks AM, Mills DR, Luks FI. Fas-Ligand expression coincides with alveolar cell apoptosis in late-gestation fetal lung development. Am J Physiol 279:L967-976,
- Luks FI, Roggin KK, Wild YK, Piasecki GJ, Lesieur-Brooks AM, De Paepe ME. Effect of lung fluid composition on type II cellular activity after tracheal occlusion in the fetal lamb. J Pediatr Surg 36:196-201,
- Luks FI. Fetal surgery. Med Health RI 84:169-170, 2001.
- Luks FI, Carr SR, Ponte B, Rogg JM, Tracy TF, Jr. Preoperative planning with magnetic resonance imaging and computerized volume rendering in twin-to-twin transfusion Am J Obstet Gynecol 185:216-219, 2001.
- De Paepe ME, Burke S, Luks FI, Pinar H, Singer DB. Demonstration of placental vascular anatomy in monochorionic twin gestations. Pediatr Dev Pathol 5:37-44,
- Tomicic JT, Luks FI, Shalon L, Tracy TF, Jr. Laparoscopic gastrostomy in infants and children. Eur J Pediatr Surg 12:107-110,
- Huang J, Kurkchubasche AG, Carr SR, Wesselhoeft CW, Jr., Tracy TF, Jr., Luks FI. Benefits of term delivery in infants with antenatally diagnosed gastroschisis. Obstet Gynecol 100:695-9,
- De Paepe ME, Stopa E, Huang C, Hansen K, Luks FI. Renal tubular apoptosis in twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. Pediatr Dev Pathol 6:215-225,
- Erfanian K, Luks FI, Kurkchubasche AG, Wesselhoeft CW, Jr., Tracy TF, Jr. In-line image projection accelerates task performance in laparoscopic appendectomy, J Pediatr Surg 38:1059- 1062, 2003.
- Luks FI, Carr SR, Feit LR, Rubin LP. Experience with a Multidiscipinary Antenatal Diagnosis and Management model in fetal medicine. J Mat Fet Neonat Med 14:333-337,
- Oka T, Kurchubasche AG, Bussey JG, III, Wesselhoeft CW, Jr., Tracy TF, Jr., Luks FI. Open and laparoscopic appendectomy are equally safe and acceptable in children. Surg Endosc 18:242-245, 2004.
- Bussey JG, III, Luks FI, Carr SR, Plevyak M, Tracy TF, Jr. Minimal access fetal surgery for twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS). Surg Endosc 18:83-86,
- De Paepe ME, Friedman R, Poch M, Hansen K, Carr SR, Luks FI. Placental findings after laser ablation of communicating vessels in twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS). Pediatr Dev Pathol 7:159-165, 2004.
- Luks FI, Carr SR, Plevyak M, Craigo SD, Athannasiou A, Ralston SJ, Tracy, TF, Jr. Limited prognostic value of a staging system for twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. Fetal Diagn Ther 19:301-304, 2004.
- Sattar A, McRae R, Mangray S, Hansen K, Luks FI. Core excision of the foramen cecum for recurrent thyroglossal duct cyst (TGDC) after Sistrunk operation and anterior neck dissection. J Pediatr Surg 39(4):E3-E5,
- Cloutier DR, Baird T, McCarten K, Bussey JG, III, Kurkchubasche AG, Tracy TF, Jr., Luks FI. Arterial blush in pediatric splenic injuries: A reason to embolize? J Pediatr Surg 39;969-71,
- Carr SR, Luks FI, Tracy TF, Jr., Plevyak M. Antenatal Necrotic Injury in Severe Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome. A Case and Review. Fetal Diagn Ther 19:370-372,
- Bussey JG, IIIrd, Luks FI, Varlet F, Reinberg O, Becmeur F, Tracy TF, Jr. Laparoscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric malignancy. Pediatr Endosurg Innov Techn 8:103-7,
- De Paepe ME, Mao Q, Embree-Ku M, Rubin LP, Luks FI. Fas/FasL-mediated apoptosis in perinatal murine lungs. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 287:L730-L742, 2004.
- De Paepe ME, Mao Q, Luks FI. Expression of apoptosis-related genes after fetal tracheal occlusion in rabbits. J Pediatr Surg 39:1616-1625,
- Poch M, Luks FI, Carr SR, De Paepe ME. Intratwin arteriovenous fistula of the placenta in a case of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. Am J Perinatol 22:3-6,
- Truitt AK, Sorrells DL, Halvorson E, Gormley P, Kurkchubasche AG, Tracy TF, Jr., Luks FI. Pulmonary embolism: Which pediatric trauma patients are at risk? J Pediatr Surg 40:124-7,
- Lui F, Gormley P, Sorrells DL, Biffl WL, Kurkchubasche AG, Tracy TF, Jr., Luks FI. Pediatric trauma patients with isolated airway compromise or GCS<8: Does immediate attending surgeon presence make a difference? J Pediatr Surg 40:103-106,
- Sholler GL, Luks FI, Mangray S, Meech SJ. Advanced small cell carcinoma of the ovary in a pediatric patient with long-term survival and review of the literature. J Pediatr Oncol 27:169- 172, 2005.
- Vrochides DV, Sorrells DL, Jr., Kurkchubasche AG, Wesselhoeft CW, Jr., Tracy TF, Jr., Luks FI. Is there a role for routine, preoperative ERCP for suspected choledocholithiasis in children? Arch Surg 140:359-361,
- Luks FI, Carr SR, De Paepe ME, Tracy TF, Jr. What – and why – the pediatric surgeon should know about twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. J Pediatr Surg 40:1063-1069,
- Kwon A, Sorrells DL, Jr., Cassese J, Kurkchubasche AG, Tracy TF, Jr., Luks FI. Isolated CT diagnosis of pulmonary contusion does not affect morbidity in pediatric trauma patients. J Pediatr Surg 41:78-82, 2006.
- Chang J, Carr SR, Tracy TF, Jr., Luks FI. Port insertion and removal techniques to minimize premature rupture of the membranes in endoscopic fetal surgery. J Pediatr Surg 41:905-9, 2006.
- Truitt AK, Sorrells DL, Jr., Carr SR, Kurkchubasche AG, Tracy TF, Jr., Luks FI. Perinatal management of congenital cystic lung lesions in the age of minimally invasive surgery. J Pediatr Surg 41:893-896, 2006.
- Young J, Kim DS, Muratore CS, Kurkchubasche AG, Tracy TF, Jr., Luks FI. Postoperative bowel obstruction in infants and children. J Pediatr Surg 42:962-965, 2007.
- De Paepe ME, Gundavarapu S, Tantravahi U, Pepperell JR, Haley SA, Luks FI, Mao Q. Fas- Ligand-induced apoptosis of respiratory epithelial cells causes disruption of postcanalicular alveolar development. Am J Pathol 173:42-56, 2008.
- Mao Q, Gundavarapu S, Patel C, Tsai A, Luks FI, De Paepe ME. The Fas system confers protection against alveolar disruption in hyperoxia-exposed newborn mice. Am J Resp Cell Molec Biol 39:717-729, 2008.
- Tan TW, Kim DS, Wallach MT, Magnray S, Luks FI. Thoracoscopic resection of a giant thymolipoma in a four-year-old girl. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Proc 18:903-905, 2008.
- Martin AE, Khan A, Kim DS, Muratore CS, Luks FI. The use of intraabdominal tissue expanders as a primary strategy for closure of giant omphaloceles. J Pediatr Surg 44:178-182, 2009.
- Muratore CS, Carr SR, Lewi L, Devlieger R, Carpenter MW, Jani J, Deprest JA, Luks FI. Survival after laser surgery for TTTS: When are they out of the woods? J Pediatr Surg 44:66-70, 2009.
- Martin AE, Chen JY, Muratore CS, Mayo-Smith WW, Luks FI. Dual localization technique for thoracoscopic resection of lung lesions in children J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech 19:S161- S164, 2009.
- Prendergast CJ, Ryder BA, Abodeely A, Muratore CS, Crawford GP, Luks FI. Surgical performance with head-mounted displays in laparoscopic surgery. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech 19:S237-S240, 2009.
- Aidlen JT, Glick S, Silverman K, Silverman HF, Luks FI. Head-motion-controlled video goggles: Preliminary concept for an interactive Laparoscopic Image Display (i-LID). J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech 19:595-598, 2009.
- Muratore CS, Luks FI, Zhou Y, Harty M, Tracy TF, Jr. Endotoxin alters early fetal lung morphogenesis. J Surg Res 155:225-230, 2009.
- Luks FI, Carr SR, Muratore CS, O’Brien BM, Tracy TF, Jr. The pediatric surgeons’ approach to in-utero treatment of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. Ann Surg 250:456-462,
- Curran S, McMurdy JW, Carr SR, Muratore CS, O’Brien BM, Crawford GP, Luks FI. Reflectance spectrometry for real-time hemoglobin determination of placental vessels during endoscopic laser surgery for TTTS. J Pediatr Surg 45:59-64,
- O’Brien BM, Feltovitch HM, Carr SR, Luks FI. Feto-fetal transfusion syndrome in monochorionic quadruplets. Obstet Gynecol 115:470472,
- Abodeely AA, Cheah YL, Ryder BA, Aidlen JT, Luks FI. Eliminating the effect of paradoxical imaging during laparoscopic surgery. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Proc 20:31-34,
- De Paepe ME, Shapiro S, Greco D, Luks VL, Abellar RG, Luks CH, Luks FI. Placental markers of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome in diamniotic-monochorionic twins: A morphometric analysis of deep artery-to-vein anastomoses. Placenta 31:269-276,
- Ahmed S, Luks FI, O’Brien BM, Muratore CS, Carr SR. Influence of experience, case-load and stage distribution on outcome of endoscopic laser surgery for TTTS – A review. Prenatal Diagn 30:314-319, 2010.
- De Paepe ME, Shapiro S, Young LE, Luks FI. Placental characteristics of selective birth weight discordance in diamniotic-monochorionic twin gestations. Placenta 31:380-386,
- Skupski DW, Luks FI, Walker M, Papanna R, Bebbington M, Ryan G, O’Shaugnessy R, Moldenhauer J, Bahtiyar O. Pre-operative predictors of death in twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome treated with laser ablation of placental anastomoses. Am J Obstet Gynecol 203:388e.1-388.e11, 2010.
- Narsule CK, Kahle EJ, Kim DS, Anderson AC, Luks FI. Effect of delay in presentation on rate of perforation in children with appendicitis. Am J Emerg Med 29; 890-893,
- De Paepe ME, Shapiro S, Hanley LC, Chu S, Luks FI. Correlation between cord insertion type and superficial choriovasculature in diamniotic-monochorionic twin placentas. Placenta 32:901- 905, 2011.
- Lombardo M, Watson-Smith D, Muratore CS, Carr SR, O’Brien BM, Luks FI. Laser ablation of placental vessels in twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome – a paradigm for endoscopic fetal surgery. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Proc 21;869-872, 2011.
- Kowitt B, Watson-Smith D, Tucker R, Muratore CS, O’Brien BM, Vohr B, Carr SR, Luks Long-term morbidity after fetal endoscopic surgery for severe twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. J Pediatr Surg 47:51-56, 2012.
- Thakkar RK, Steigman SA, Aidlen JT, Luks FI. Individualized Image Display Improves Performance in Laparoscopic Surgery. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Proc 22:1010-1013,
- Skupski DW, Luks FI, Papanna R, Walker M, Bebbington M, Ryan G, O’Shaughnessy RO, Moldenhauer J, Bahtiyar O and NAFTNet. Laser ablation of placental anastomoses in twin-to- twin transfusion syndrome: preoperative predictors of death by recursive partitioning. Prenatal Diagn 33:279-283,
- Hui L, Wick HC, Moise KJ, Johnson A, Luks FI, Haeri S, Johnson KL, Bianchi DW. Global gene expression analysis of amniotic fluid cell-free RNA from recipient twins with severe twin- twin transfusion syndrome. Prenatal Diagn 33;87-3-883, 2013.
- Marsit CJ, Koestler DC, Watson-Smith D, Boney CM, Padbury JF, Luks FI. Developmental genes targeted for epigenetic variation between Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome children. Clin Epigenet 5:18,
- Bates MF, Khander A, Steigman SA, Tracy TF, Jr., Luks FI. Use of white blood cell count and negative appendectomy rate. Pediatrics 133;e39-e44,
- Duron VD, Benzuly S, Watson-Smith D, Muratore CS, O’Brien BM, Carr SR, Luks FI. Maternal and fetal safety of fluid-restrictive general anesthesia for endoscopic fetal surgery in monochorionic twin gestations. J Clin Anesth 26:184-190,
- Duron V, Day KM, Steigman SA, Aidlen JT, Luks FI. Maintaining low transfusion and angioembolization rates in the age of non-operative management of pediatric blunt splenic injury. Am Surg 80:1159-63, 2014.
- De Paepe ME, Shapiro S, Young LE, Luks FI. Placental weight, birth weight and fetal: placental weight ratio in dichorionic and monochorionic twin gestations in function of gestational age, cord insertion type and placental partition. Placenta 36:213-220,
- Fallon EA, Ha AY, Merck DL, Ciullo SS, Luks FI. Interactive instrument-driven image display in laparoscopic surgery. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A 25:531-535, 2015.
- Maggio L, Carr SR, Watson-Smith D, O’Brien BM, Lopes V, Muratore CS, Luks FI. Iatrogenic preterm premature rupture of membranes after fetoscopic laser ablative surgery. Fetal Diagn Ther 38:29-34,
- Hartwich JE, Luks FI, Watson-Smith D, Kurkchubasche AG, Muratore CS, Wills HE, Tracy TF, Jr. Nonoperative treatment of acute appendicitis in children – a feasibility study. J Pediatr Surg 51:111-116, 2016.
- Chau DB, Ciullo SS, Watson-Smith D, Chun TH, Luks FI. Patient-centered outcomes research in appendicitis in children: bridging the knowledge gap. J Pediatr Surg 51:117-121,
- Berman L, Kabre R, Kazak A, Hicks B, Luks FI. Exposure to prenatal consultation during pediatric surgery fellowship. J Pediatr Surg 51:131-136,
- Moise KJ, Moldenhauer JS, Bennett KA, Goodnight W, Luks FI, Emery SP, Tsao K, Moon- Grady AJ, Moore RC, Treadwell MC, Vlastos EJ, Wetjen NW for the Fetal Myelomeningocele Consortium on behalf of the North American Fetal Therapy Network. Current state of the union for maternal-fetal surgery for fetal myelomeningocele – an anonymous survey of U.S. Centers. Obstet Gynecol 127:593-597, 2016.
- Petersen SG, Gibbons KS, Luks FI, Lewi L, Diemert A, Hecher K, Dickinson JE, Stirnemann JJ, Ville Y, Devlieger R, Gardener G, Deprest JA. The impact of entry technique and access diameter on prelabour rupture of membranes following primary fetoscopic laser treatment for Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome. Fetal Diagn Ther 40;100-109, 2016
- Emery SP, Hasley SK, Catov JM, Miller RS, Moon-Grady AJ, Baschat AA, Johnson AT, Lim FY, Gagnon AL, O’Shaugnessy RW, Ozcan T, Luks FI. North American Fetal Therapy Network: Intervention versus expectant management. Am J Obstet Gynecol 215;346.e1-347.el, 2016.
- De Paepe ME, Benny MK, Priolo L, Luks FI, Shapiro S. Florid intussusceptive-like microvascular dysangiogenesis in a preterm lung. Pediatr Dev Pathol. 2016 Mar 28. [Epub ahead of print]
- Luks FI, Deprest JA: Endoscopic fetal surgery: a new alternative? (Editorial) Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 52:1-3,
- Luks FI. Fetal surgery. New techniques have given surgeons a second chance (Editorial). Br Med J 311:1449-1450, 1995.
- Deprest JA, Evrard V, Flageole H, Van Ballaer P, Laermans I, Peers K, Luks FI. Intra-uterine endoscopic surgery in animal models: the Leuven experience. Réf Gynécol Obstét S63-65,
- Luks FI, De Paepe ME. Molecular mechanisms in the pathogenesis of congenital diaphragmatic hernia and rationale for in utero treatment. New Surgery 1:158-162,
- Muratore CS, Ryder BA, Luks FI: Image display in endoscopic surgery. J Soc Inf Display 15:349-356, 2007.
- Luks FI: NIH takes lead on interdisciplinary fetal therapy research. AAP News 30:15,
- Deprest JA, Flake AW, Gratacos E, Ville Y, Hecher K, Nicolaides K, Johnson MP, Luks FI, Adzick NS, Harrison MR. The making of fetal surgery. Prenatal Diagn 30:653-667,
- Luks FI. Blast injuries – and the pivotal role of trauma surgeons. Acta Chirurg Belg 110:517- 520,
- Luks FI. New and/or improved aspects of fetal surgery. Prenatal Diagn 31:252-258,
- Aidlen JT, Luks FI. Invited commentary: Lee J, et al. Management of pediatric spleen injury: Less is more: We agree – more or less. Arch Surg 147:441-442,
- Luks FI, Aidlen JT. Enhanced image display to improve laparoscopic surgery: new and future developments. Editorial, Expert Rev Med Devices 9:551-553, 2012.
- De Paepe ME, Luks FI. What – and why- the pathologist should know about twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. Pediatr Dev Pathol 16:237-251, 2013.
- Liou KT, George P, Baruch JM, Luks FI. Clinical sketches: Teaching medical illustration to medical students. Medical Education 48:525,
- Johnson A, Luks FI. A cautionary note on new fetal interventions. (Editorial) Obstet Gynecol 124:411-412, 2014.
- Luks FI, Johnson A, Polzin WJ. Innovation in Maternal-Fetal Therapy: A Position Statement from the North-American Fetal Therapy Network. Obstet Gynecol 125:649-652,
- Luks FI. Invited commentary: Ruano R, et al. Fetal intervention for severe lower urinary tract obstruction: a multicenter case-control study comparing fetal cystoscopy with vesicoamniotic shunting. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2015 45:375,