Board Certification: American Board of Surgery
Education: University College Dublin, Ireland
Residency: General Surgery - Dell Medical School at The University of Texas at Austin
Fellowship: Trauma Surgery and Critical Care - LAC+USC Medical Center, University of Southern California
Memberships in Societies: Trauma Association of Canada
Hospital Affiliations:
Rhode Island Hospital
The Miriam Hospital
Women & Infants Hospital
In the News
Invited Lectures
1. Surgical Management of Dialysis-associated Steal Syndrome. Dell Medical School Cardiovascular Surgery Conference, Austin, TX, 2016
2. Novel Developments in Anticoagulation in Trauma. Dell Medical School Department of Surgery & Perioperative Care Grand Rounds, Austin, TX, 2020
3. Adult Shock. Los Angeles Police Department Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) training. Los Angeles, CA, 2020
4. How to handle novel oral anticoagulants after trauma, American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress 2020. Held virtually, 2020
5. Multi-Centre Surgical Trauma Case Rounds, Trauma Association of Canada. Held virtually, 2021
6. From IMG to USC (And Everything In-Between), University of Southern California Department of Trauma and Critical Care Fellow Education, Los Angeles, CA, 2021
7. Cost-effective Surgical Management of Choledocholithiasis, University of Southern California Department of Trauma and Critical Care Fellow Education, Los Angeles, CA, 2021
8. Tube Thoracostomy: Tips, pitfalls, and catastrophes., 27th Annual University of Southern California National Trauma, Critical Care, and Acute Care Surgery Symposium, Pasadena, CA, 2021
Peer Reviewed
1. Emigh B, An R, Hsu EM, Crawford TH, Haugen HK, Wohl GR, Hayward JE, Fang Q.
Porcine cortical bone ablation by ultrashort pulsed laser ablation. J Biomed Opt. 2012 Feb;17(2):028001
2. Emigh B, Gordon CL, Connolly BL, Falkiner K, Thomas KE. Effective dose estimation for pediatric upper gastrointestinal examinations using an anthropomorphic phantom set and metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) technology. Pediatr Radiol. 2013 Sept;43(9):1108-16
3. An R, Khadar GW, Wilk EI, Emigh B, Haugen HK, Wohl DR, Dunlop B, Anvari M, Hayward JE, Fang Q. Ultrafast laser ablation and machining large-size structures on porcine bone. J Biomed Opt. 2013 Jul;18(7):70504
4. Teixeira PGR, Brown CVR, Emigh B, Long M, Foreman M, Eastridge B, Gale S, Truitt
MS, Dissanaike S, Duane T, Holcomb J, Eastman A, Regner J; Texas Tourniquet Group. Civilian prehospital tourniquet use is associated with improved survival in patients with peripheral vascular injury. J Am Coll Surg. 2018 May;226(5):769-776
5. Emigh B, Trust MD. Contaminated wounds: fresh water, salt water, and agricultural contamination. Curr Trauma Rep. 2018 Dec; 4(4):309-315
6. Long S, Emigh B, Wolf JS, Byrne C, Coopwood TB, Aydelotte JA. This too shall pass: Standardized Gastrografin protocol for partial small bowel obstruction. Am J Surg. 2018 June;217(6):1016-1018
7. Dixon A, Emigh B, Spitz K, Teixeira PGR, Coopwood TB, Daley M, Ali S, Brown CVR. Does Tranexamic acid really world in the United States? A single level 1 trauma center’s experience. Am J Surg. 2019 Dec;218(6):1110-1113
8. Kobayashi L, Williams E, Brown CVR, Emigh B, Bansal V, Badjee J, Checchi K, Castillo E, Doucet J. The E-merging E-pidemic of E-scooters. Trauma Surg Acute Care Open. 2019;4:e000337
9. Emigh B, Sahi S, Teal L, Blake J, Heron C, Teixeira P, Coopwood T, Cardenas T, Trust M, Brown CVR. Incidence and risk factors for acute kidney injury in severely injured patients using current KDIGO definitions. J Am Coll Surg. 2020 Sep;231(3):326-332
10. Emigh B, Kobayashi L, Kopp M, Daley M, Teal L, Haan J, Burlew CC, Nirula R, Moore
F, Burruss S, Kaminski S, Dunn J, Carrick M, Schroeppel T, Thurston B, Quick J, Bosarge P, Brown CVR. The AAST prospective, observational, multicenter study investigating the initial experience with reversal of Direct Oral Anticoagulants in trauma patients. Am J Surg. 2021 Aug;222(2):264-269
11. Emigh B, Inaba K, Schellenberg M. Contemporary diagnosis and management of traumatic rectal injuries. Surg Prac Sci. 2021 Mar;4:100024
12. Dubina E, Grigorian A, Emigh B, Inaba K. Critical decision points in the management of acute trauma: a practical review. Int Anesthesiol Clin. 2021 Apr;59(2):1-9
13. Leede E, Cardenas T, Emigh B, Brown LH, Teixeira PG, Trust MD, Coopwood TB, Aydelotte J, Ali S, Brown CVR. Chest and pelvis X-rays as a screening tool for abdominal injury in geriatric blunt trauma patients. Am Surg. 2021 (in-press)
14. Emigh B, Zaunbrecher RD, Trust MD, Teixeira PG, Brown CVR, Aydelotte JD. A safer placement technique for percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy. Am J Surg. 2021 (in-press)
15. Schellenberg M, Owattanapanich N, Emigh B, Karavites L, Clark DH, Lam L, Inaba K. Contemporary utility of diagnostic peritoneal aspiration in trauma. J Trauma Acute Care
Surg. 2021 Nov;91(5):814-819
Peer Reviewed – In-Review
1. Patel A, Osterberg EC, Satarasinghe P, Wenzel J, Akbani S, Sahi S, Emigh B, Wolf JS, Brown CVR. Urethral injuries: Diagnostic and management strategies for critical care and trauma clinicians. Journal of Surgery and Trauma. 2021
2. Slocum C, Matsushima K, Chiba H, Emigh B, Tam B, Schellenberg M, Inaba K,
Demetriades D. Nationwide analysis of penetrating thoracic aortic injury: injury patterns, management, and outcomes. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2021
Textbook Chapters
1. Emigh B, Osterberd C, Brown CVR. Urological trauma. In: CorePendium (Mattu A, Swadron S, ed). CorePendium. Burbank CA. 2020 https://www.emrap.org/corependium/chapter/recaJu5DEYdYF4Udy/Urological-Trauma.
Chapters In-Press
1. Emigh B, Ebadat A, Bui E, Brown CVR. Acute Kidney Injury. In: ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice (Ashley SW, ed). Decker. Ontario, CAN. 8th Edition. 2021
Oral Presentations
1. Connolly BL, Emigh B, Thomas KE, Gordon CL. Effective dose estimation in pediatric upper gastrointestinal examinations using MOSFET technology, presented at the 52nd annual meeting of the Society of Pediatric Radiology, Carlsbad, CA. 2009
2. Emigh B, Hsu EM, Sorenson EM, An R, Haugen HK, Hayward JE, Wohl GR, Dunlop B, Williams D, Anvari M, Fang Q. Experimental evaluation of bone drilling using shortpulsed laser ablation, presented at SPIE Biophotonics West, San Francisco, CA. 2011
3. Emigh B, Lee E, Cohen E, Connolly BL, Gordon CL. Bronchopleural fistula in children with community-acquired pneumonia, presented at the Earl Glenwood Coulson Research Day, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario. 2012
4. Emigh B, Lee E, Cohen E, Connolly BL, Gordon, CL. “Bronchopleural fistula in children with community-acquired pneumonia”, presented at the 5th Pediatric Interventional Radiology Symposium, Toronto, Ontario. 2012
5. Emigh B, Teixeira PG, Ali S, Tabas IA, Brown CVR. Chest and pelvic x-rays as a screening tool for abdominal injury in geriatric blunt trauma patients, presented at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Western Surgical Association, Phoenix, AZ. 2017
6. Teixeira PG, Brown CV, Emigh B, Long M, Foreman M, Eastridge B, Gale S, Truitt MS, Dissanaike S, Duane T, Holcomb J, Eastman A, Regner J; Texas Tourniquet Group. Civilian pre-hospital tourniquet use is associated with improved survival in patients with peripheral vascular injuries, presented at the 76th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, Baltimore, MD. 2017
7. Emigh B, Teixeira PG, Ali S, Tabas IA, Brown CVR. Chest and pelvic x-rays as a screening tool for abdominal injury in geriatric blunt trauma patients, presented at the 2018 South Texas ACS Annual Meeting, Houston, TX. 2018
8. Long R, Emigh B, Wolf JS, Byrne C, Coopwood B, Aydelotte J. This too shall pass: Standardized gastrograffin protocol for partial small bowel obstruction, presented at the 70th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Surgical Congress, Napa, CA. 2018